16 May 2009

Happy Saturday Lunch

Hari ini ditraktir makan sama om yang berulang tahun. Di hotel Empat Musim. Nyam.
Cheese tasting. Water crackers to accompany. I love the mini delicacies. Liat yang di foto di sudut kiri atas? Cherry tomato, olive, sama cheese, gatau keju apa, goat cheese? Dikasih olive oil sama balsamic vinegar. Ditusuk bersama. Yum! Very light and comforting, haha. Berhubung suka nonton acara masak jadi tau dikit-dikit dong soal makanan.
Hot thin waffle with chilly cold ice cream.
Wishing you a very happy birthday om! (Well I don't think he's very happy today since he's the one paying). Aha.