Materials & Equipment List
A3 Bond or Bank Pad
A3 Bleedproof Pad
0.5 Felt Tip Fineliner (Black)
Pentel Sign Pen (Black)
Posca Marker - Bullet Tip/Fine Line (White)
Copic Markers (3, 5, 7 Grey + Black)
Copic Markers (3 x Transparent Colours)
Dry Pastels (Not Oily) - Black, White & Colour (matched to markers)
Berol Prismacolor or Faber-Castell Pencils - Black, White & Colour (matched to markers)
Pencil Sharpener
Plastic Eraser
Erasing Shield
No. 3 Scalpel Handle
No. 10A Scalpel Blades
Large Retractable Cutting Knife (snap-off blade type)
Removeable Magic Tape (19mm)
Soft Bristled Brush
Plastic Ruler (40cm with inking edge)
Steel Ruler (450mm)
Mechanical Pencil (0.5mm) + HB, H & 2H leads
Clutch Pencil (2mm) + HB, H & 2H leads
Tub Sharpener (for 2mm clutch pencil leads)
A3 Presentation Folio (with removeable plastic sleeves)
Staedler Combo Metric Circles Template (2mm - 45mm)
Staedler Metric Extra Large Circle Template (25mm - 85mm)
Please note that you may be required to purchase or supply other materials at times, not listed above.