26 January 2015
New School
24 January 2015
23 January 2015
18 January 2015
I have always wanted to be an architect. I think I read more architect books than product design's. I know more architecture firms than I know product design studios. I hang out at architecture events - and never at product design's.
Not that I belittle product design, but multidisciplinary is always in my blood. I can play a thousand music instruments at a basic level, I can work on photoshop with my fingers, I can do a bit of woodwork, I can bake cakes, forgive me, but I think I am a jack of all trades.
This somehow, made me think on a detail level, something that a product designer would do. That's also probably why I adore architects much with their birds eye view.
Thinking about it, I then realized that I never actually think about how product design or what I do can make impact to other people. I always said that I want to be an architect because I want to make bigger impact. Perhaps in my mind, I was saying bigger product.
Product design has become a specific area that I've chosen. The only thing I could remember was I thought that I can make products, which will be useful for people's life. However, in reality, this idea is challenged by the many temptation around me. Sometimes it's not about how useful the design is, it's becoming how much margin can we produce. That statement is at the extreme end. What needs to be remembered is that we have to remind ourselves on a daily basis, of what we are, what we want to achieve from the start, because our work can only be impactful in the end if we have a correct process. It's not something you can embed by the end of your work.
It has always crossed my mind that I want to jump into another discipline, feeling that I'm a bit stuck in the impact making scheme, which in reality seems harder than when I think about it. But truth is, it's hard everywhere else too. So I decided that I'll go forward with this path and rethink about how I can work on the subject that I've chosen.
17 January 2015
Rumah Jatibening by Danny Wicaksono
The ceilings were carefully constructed on site with detailed drawings of the architect in creating the lay out. Timber grains were subtly visible, following the panels which were used as the mould. I couldn't stop looking at the ceiling, reimagining how it was carefully laid out, making everything seems to be making sense. The neatness of this ceiling requires no further finishing, leaving the homework to the process of making it for there is small room for error.

Slit of light.
16 January 2015
Should design be defined by archetypes?
Is our work relevant?
Should we make impact?
Should we just follow our heart?
13 January 2015
Why I am Glad that I was Mentored
Over and over perhaps I have said about it. But as true as it was, I truly felt the benefit of being mentored.
I'd like to think that I've been drilled by some of the greatest mentors through my journey. This disciplined me, earned my lesson, quicken my experience gain and fasten my belt. It made me realize early enough that the world is not like how I perceived it before. Very eye opening indeed. I once told one of my mentors that he basically killed my dreams and I actually lost a sense of purpose during his period of mentorship.
It is always nice to catch up with people from the past. Knowing that we all have gone in our own separate ways and therefore meeting them seems like a humbling moment. Reminds me of how foolish I was - and how I haven't improved that much anyway.
My mentors - are willing to recommend me with a few things, telling me if I'm in the wrong direction and never always on my side - but I know that I can always come back to them for my anxieties and confusion.
Very important that in a younger age you already have someone you can direct your questions too and learn from their mistakes. Never get tired to ask, don't be too snobbish. Get a mentor and get yourself drilled.
11 January 2015
10 January 2015
08 January 2015
07 January 2015
05 January 2015
04 January 2015
03 January 2015
A Reminder
It's the third day of the year.
The rain was pouring lightly outside the window, addressing a hint of coldness outside that we couldn't feel from inside the room.
Inside, he suddenly felt an urge of coldness rushing in his body. A coldness inside that we couldn't feel.
He cried mom's name asking for a blanket. We warmed him a hot pack for his legs. Tears came down from his eyes and he shivered for a while. My heart was broken.
I couldn't feel what he felt inside him, his coldness, his fear, his thoughts. I just stood there on the bed side. He hold onto his rosary.
He told us that he saw his mom watching him closely.