I went for Alice im Wunderland's ballet last night in Hannover. Somehow it reminds me of my love of shows, for having not seen it in some time. Not just the show, I love looking at the artsy people. I wish I can see shows every weekend. Who needs TV.
I do need constant reminder of why I create, why I am making things, and why I am doing what I love doing.

And the music, the pleasant of listening to carefully crafted harmonics that make you forget that you are in a live show. I kind of miss my marching band days, although it was a bit rugged back then, but it is simply because it is a totally different kind of production. Yet all of them have the same essence, I think.
Hm, must be fun to be involved in a production. I did some before, good ones, crappy ones, but they all feel satisfying in their own way. I like the notion of how people put so much work into something and they gain the joy after. Maybe that is what I like doing?
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