What can be better than a design market. Yes, it is the Melbourne Design Market! Even the sound of it is great, ya? One of the best markets, I reckon, apart from Indo's lovely Brightspot market of course. Located at Federation Square's car park, this slightly lit underground spot contains everything good in Melbourne design scene. You know, lately I always sounded like I am reporting for Whiteboard. Haha.

Hanging underneath, are Hobes shoes, which are really getting their mark here, everyone just seems to have one of these pairs. And oh you know what, I regret it so much that I didn't buy any records from Designer Muzik. If anyone know where I can buy it please tell me, I want it! Anyhow, I did get a chance to chat with Jessie Fairweather from The Foundry, got to be my most adored brand here, absolutely in loooooove with their products.

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