Since my vocabulary is still very limited, please don't expect any German to appear here. Let's hope it will by the end of my visit. So I stay in this city called Hildesheim. Apparently it is quite a small city with oh so many churches in it. The happy thing is there are some festivals happening around and traveling to cities nearby is free once I pay for my student card. Horrah!
Just in time, a job that I finished before I left Melbourne, made for a friend of mine. When I was making this, people kept telling me that it looks like a piece of Ikea. Sigh, I didn't mean that, perhaps the nord vibe was getting to me too soon. By the way, this is a bookshelf. The body was built using traditional domino joinery and stained black for the grain to subtly appear. Yet the two legs in front were modernly machined in four hours, then finished with a rub of Danish oil.
Please stand by me, for this road is long and winding
You who I miss for caressing me in hard times
and laughing with me in my heydays
How could I survive without you?
I am letting you know that you can count on me
Wherever I am, whatever time difference is
For you have let me to hold on to you
Any hours of the day, any days of the year
Please go and get your dream,
Your life is waiting for you
Start making bad decisions,
Doing things that you have never thought of
This is a message for you,
Just in case you need a slight kick
To help you trip over
And stand tall again
I am a day older on my way to where I am right now. This was the longest trip I've ever took: 14 hours Melbourne - Doha, stopped for 2 hours in Doha, 7 hours Doha - Frankfurt, waited 2 hours at Frankfurt Central Station, 3 hours from Frankfurt to Hildesheim, 10 minutes from the station to home, 2 planes, 1 train, 1 car, 2 new contacts on my phone. And it was a solo trip.
It gave me time to think though. All I had in my mind on my way from Melbourne to Doha was what the hell am I doing here! And same thing repeated on my flight to Frankfurt, what on earth am I doing? And when I was on the train, am I doing the right thing? Haha. This morning in my room, I thought again that I could have chosen an English-speaking country, why did I pick this deserted city in the first place? Can you see my doubts? I thought I was mad. But if madness can get me somewhere, I will take the chance.
Well, nothing ventured nothing learned. We all shall see what is going to happen with me in this other part of the world. Should be interesting, if not intimidating.
Upacara bendera tahun ini agak berbeda. Pasukan pengibar bendera lebih spesial, ini angkatan pertama Paskibra Indonesia di Melbourne. Lebih spesialnya lagi kami mengibarkan Merah Putih di Federation Square, sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Teman-teman Paskibra tahun ini juga sangat spesial. Semuanya spesial di bulan Agustus ini.
Tickets > here. The highest appreciation goes to to Kak Yola for running the show! And of course to the so many others who helped. Your dreams are getting closer Kak :)