With the thought of not wanting to lose my works and an effort of archiving them I shall put my things that are visible to me, hehe. These were the exciting and enticing objects I found during my visit to Japan (and a while in SG) a couple of months ago drawn over Muji's non-lined book. Splendid.
It has (only) been a year since I came here, I remember going to Festival Indonesia too last year when I was still very norak hahaha. Well, nothing has really changed ever since but yes I am enjoying my days here hehe. It is quite interesting though to see what things I still have, what adds up, and what I am missing. But hey once again, things come and go.We were watching our friends sing and sang along with them haha.Then we had late chinese dinner, filthy cheap dinner. Hahaha. Oh such a nice sunny weekend. Hope you're having good times on your end as well :)
I just watched this last night, Tomorrow, in a year, performed by Hotel Pro Forma as a part of Melbourne Festival. It's a Nordic thing so I got to go hehe. From what I saw and through my shallow observation, they were talking about Darwin, so in a way or two it's an electro-opera examining Darwin's theory (as you can see, I'm only copying the title of this video hahaha), which was kind of intriguing to me. It was pretty eerie, really. Haha but I enjoyed the whole show, the music, smoke, lighting, movements, though I don't quite get it hahaha. Crap it, arts aren't suppose to be understood.
Senja di mana-mana sama-sama. Jangan mengeluh banyak tentang hidupmu. Kakimu masih dua, jarimu ada dua puluh. Di mana pun kamu kalau kamu hidupi hidup pasti ada saja yang bisa membuat senyum membawa tawa. Kalau ada rasa-rasa mulai kehilangan angan lakukan apa yang tidak biasa dilakukan, apalah itu cuma kamu yang tau. Maka sekali lagi lihat matahari sore, bosan tidak dia setiap hari berputar di poros. Mungkin iya tapi apa mau dikata, dia memang tidak bisa berkata-kata dan cuma lakukan apa tugasnya. Banyak-banyak lihat ke atas namun jangan lupa lihat ke bawah kawah, niscaya kamu tau apa yang kamu bisa banggakan. Be grateful, have a great weekend people!
Today I was dancing on the street (Collins x Swanston, for you who are not familiar with Melbourne's street, it's exactly in the middle of the city!) with other 100 people or so. It pretty much is a rehearsed flash mob thing for Melbourne Festival which I reckon to be very full of excitement. Lots of people were there watching and it feels good really when you can do things that you like because everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves as well. Great fun!And I couldn't stand making bread and butter pudding for the last couple of nights, truly it's the ultimate comfort food. I especially love the rustic crust it shows outside combined with the creaminess of the filling and the hollow section in between. Yum.
Strange things happen too often around Melbourne. This time it's happening close to my place. It's the opening night of Melbourne Festival! I don't know what is it with Melbourne Festival and people hanging up in the sky, because a similar thing happened last year as well.
We heard the rumor about a famous croquette that you can only have once in a year at a far far away place and we just can't stop thinking of that. Generally, last Sunday we were having a happy picnic under the spring sun at Tesellaar Tulip Farm. But again since it was a picnic, we were sitting under the willow tree with heaps of gorgeous foods. Glorious! Home-baked swirl cheesecake.The mouth-to-mouth famous beef croquette with mustard.
When I saw this hanging object made from used container at The Substation, it instantly reminded me of Bruno Munari's Useless Machine, and I thought hm someone's probably having the same read as I do. Remember when I said I'm going to volunteer? So here it is. One of the shifts I got was at the opening night. Heaps of people, around 350 they said, filled the ex-warehouse turned to a community art space in the western part of Melbourne which hasn't been exploited much for the art scene before. Girls came in pixie cut. They don't give a fuss about make up; you ain't suppose to be pretty I guess. Jeans weren't popular back then, if you know what I mean. Through my findings, I found that there weren't many designers, maybe yes it is an artists' clique and art is one damn fine area that you can be so independent, so brave. Even condoms are considered as a work of art. Apparently I got rostered here for all of my shifts, maybe they're matching interests with the shifts because it's such an industrial playground, hehe but I do love it here. It's the Fringe Furniture as a part of the Fringe Festival of course - the celebration of independent art. Here you can see all things happy about furniture, how people are so innovative, so intuitive, so brave to answer the brief of this year's theme: The city has a face, the country has a soul.Lovely spoons eh?This got to be my favorite piece, the Spun Stool.Felted PET - new things I've just discovered here. I must say my shifts here are the most enjoyable so far. I met so many nice people who either were just passing by or willing to talk more about design and other random things hehe. Love to do more shifts for Fringe :) So come come if you got free times, get me and we'll grab a drink or two I got volunteer discount ID haha, and let's roll to the Fringe Festival!