Photos by Maddie. Here she is, our boss, Jess Olivieri and we also have another boss, Hayley Forward. This whole experience has been a massive one. Practicing for some times at Lucy Guerin Inc and before we knew it, we were dancing on the street! I did enjoy the staring we got from people on the street especially when we did the West Side Story crossing like a herd of mad people! Hahaha.I met a great group of people here, getting familiar with each other as we did the clicks and foot swooshes. Love to this kind of thing (like crossing-the-street-while-making-formations-with-some-random-people-but-then-we-got-along-well kind of thing) again in the future. Definitely a good good thing to consider if you hate a somewhat regular daily activities haha.
Was working on this out of this world machine! Haha. It's a rube goldberg, something like: when one ball drops it hits another ball, and the ball will open a gate, the gate opens and pulleys will go up, and so on. We were having quite lots of fun actually, keep on generating ideas as we go. But oh my all the times that we have spent, is not enough to make this thing works! Haha. And we got kicked out from school at one in the morning by the security, arh what a bizarre school, not letting their students to stay for projects. And we got to spend the night, not even bothering to sleep, making mess, yet it is still not done as how we want it to be. We had fun though. And our project is voted as the most ambitious one haha, by all means we are passionate about it :) Good exercise this one is. Definitely will never be forgotten, especially the cleaner (Gilbert) and security who kicked us out and let us stray in the super chilly morning!
Melaporkan langsung dari opening night Next Wave Festival. Yak! Jadi malam ini adalah malam dibukanya festival dua taunan ini. Seperti biasa, isinya absurd. Dan memang itulah tujuan saya terjun ke dalamnya.Lots of great works are being shown here, sampai 30 May. Yang ada di sini adalah gabungan-gabungan artists dari berbagai tempat, Australia, Jepang, Singapore, bahkan Indonesia! Mengeksplor berbagai hal absurd yang gue aja masih bingung ini apaan sebenernya haha. Tapi I adore the way they're being themselves, it's really showing who they are without caring about people's opinion. Well, harus sih ya dengerin orang ngomong apa, tapi alangkah bagusnya kalau bisa jadi diri sendiri saja!Venuenya sendiri sangat massive, berlokasi di Meat Market Building yang emang dari sananya udah luas abis. Dan ini dekat sekali sama workshop perkayuan saya! Hihi.Banyak yang mencoba bermain dengan card board dan membuat card board jadi maha karya yang cantik! Kya jangan mau kalah. Nah yang di bawah ini adalah bikinan orang Indonesia. Kalau liat aslinya lebih canggih lagi :)
Jess Olivieri and Hayley Forward with the Parachutes for Ladies, I thought a musical was being made, 2009, image by Jess Olivieri, Hayley Forward with the Parachutes for Ladies.
Current project: I Thought A Musical Was Being Made. Masih dalam rangka Next Wave Festival yang baru saja dibuka malam ini hore! Kegiatan ini cukup absurd karna nanti bakal perform di jalanan (yes jalanan di mana banyak orang begitu), dan akan membentuk formasi, dan akan meloncat-loncat dengan lucunya :) Lucu buat gue tapi. Hahahaha.
This is where I've been lately, working on my super lovely project. You can see the result in about emmm one year! Haha. This is no kidding matter, dealing with heavy machines here :) So great the workshop is, I can be as idiosyncratic as I want, not caring about might people hate it or love it. Yet still, I am taught to be respectful to these huge machines, and of course I will. May all the good things come to life in this place!